Join Us in Making a Difference!
Imagine a community where everyone feels welcomed, safe, and valued. Together, we can turn this vision into reality—but we need your help!
Your generous donation will enable me fulfil my vision for Saskatoon Ward 7, as highlighted below:
Affordable Housing
I will champion policies that optimize affordable housing that meets all residents’ needs, at every stage of life.
Public Safety
Our campaign is centered around community-centered approaches for safer and healthier neighborhoods, because everyone deserves to feel safe, included, and valued in our community.
Infrastructure and Transit Improvement
I will advocate for improved infrastructures and plans that prioritizes reliable and accessible public transit and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers.
Inclusive Growth
I will champion diversity, equity, and active participation in civic life within our communities.
Support for Small Businesses
I will support strategic plans that provide incentives for small businesses to thrive.